Slight Tick on The Bright Side

2 min readApr 27, 2021

The Metronome aka the Climate Clock, a public art project by artist Andrew Boyd, Gan Golan, and others was unveiled at One Union Square South in 1999.

The clock featured the estimated time remaining to significantly reduce carbon emissions and prevent potential effects due to global warming that would become irreversible. The artists gave the world about 7 years to get it together before impending potential doom. The Climate Clock communicated the urgency of the climate crisis with each passing second.

Within the last year, the artists upgraded the clock to include a slight tick on the bright side — the percentage of global energy use coming from renewable sources. This time counting up and not down!⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀⠀
“It’s nice to have positive climate news,” a project participant Greg Schwedock told The New York Times. “That’s something that the environmental community can be proud of.”

As we all know the climate crisis is incredibly urgent, and while global adoption of renewables certainly isn’t happening as fast as some would argue it needs to be — we still need to be mindful of the progress we ARE making as a global community.
This progress can inspire us to continue making both our individual choices that help reverse climate change, and continue advocating for changes to the larger systems that made it a crisis in the first place.

